Uganda: Leaving Sudan To Chase Rustlers


November 4, 2006: Uganda and Sudan have agreed to a partial withdrawal of Ugandan troops from Sudan. Uganda will withdraw troops from a base at Palotaka, which was established in March 2002. The phased withdrawal is part of the new ceasefire agreement. This is the most compelling indication to date that the Ugandan government believes the peace process will lead to a final settlement with the LRA.

The Ugandan government ordered its military to continue a disarmament program in the Karamoja region. The program was temporarily suspended after attacks by Karamojong warriors killed 22 Ugandan soldiers on October 29.

November 2, 2006: A group of former LRA fighters have formed a "cooperative society" in order to qualify for resettlement funds and loans through Uganda's "Bonnbagaggawale" (wealth for all) relief and development program The former LRA fighters intend to return to farming in northern Uganda.

November 1, 2006: The Ugandan government and LRA representatives signed a "ceasefire extension" to the August 26 Cessation of Hostilities Agreement. The extension gives LRA rebels another month to enter assembly areas in Sudan.

October 30, 2006: Some 1,000 heavily armed Kenyan Turkana warriors had slipped into Uganda in the Karamoja region. The Turkana had over 5000 head of cattle (presumed stolen in Kenya).

October 29, 2006: Some 22 Ugandan soldiers were killed in an ambush in the Karamoja region. The battalion commander died in the ambush. The soldiers were part of a force engaged in a disarmament program disarming Karamojong tribesmen, who had engaged in cattle rustling. The Ugandan military temporarily suspended the disarmament operation pending an investigation of the incident. Eleven Karamojong warriors died in a firefight after the ambush. This was the second biggest ambush in the region. In 1999, 65 unarmed soldiers were slain in an ambush near Kotido.

October 26, 2006: Uganda said it had increased the number of troops on its border with the Congo (DRC). A Ugandan military spokesman said that Uganda is concerned about rebels in the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) attempting to cross the border from bases in the Congo.

October 19, 2006: The UN reported that approximately 300,000 Ugandans have left camps in northern Uganda and returned to their homes since the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement was signed August 26.