Uganda: Tribal Ties


March 6, 2007: Peace negotiations with the LRA could recommence as early as March 7. The LRA had tentatively agreed to restart peace talks with Uganda, in Sudan. This agreement to "return to Sudan" represents a change in policy by the LRA. Ten days ago the LRA said that it would no longer conduct peace negotiations in Sudan. After a recent attack on civilians inside Sudan, South Sudan officials said that the LRA was not welcome. The Sudan government later said that the LRA was still invited to conduct peace talks in Sudan. The Acholi tribe in northern Uganda has been consulted about the LRA peace talks. Apparently, the Acholi have put pressure on the LRA leadership to continue with the peace talks. The war in northern Uganda has hurt the Acholi tribe. The Acholi have suffered at the hands of both the LRA and the Ugandan security forces. Many LRA members are Acholi, which has enabled Acholi tribal leaders to contact the LRA leadership and encouraging the LRA to continue to pursue a peaceful, political solution to the civil war.

March 4, 2007: The head of the Ugandan military is in Ethiopia. He will help coordinate the arrival of Ugandan peacekeepers in Somalia. The Ugandan contingent will deploy 1605 soldiers. The peacekeeping contingent's armored vehicles will be shipped by sea from the Kenyan port of Mombasa to Mogadishu, Somalia.

February 28, 2007: The LRA said that it would not renew the ceasefire which was due to expire on February 28. However, the LRA, the Ugandan government, and mediators in Sudan all say that they are interested in continuing the peace process.