Terrorism: January 15, 2000


: Ressam. --Stephen V Cole

President Clinton unveiled his new multi-million-dollar plan to fight cyberterrorism on 7 Jan. He noted that business at all levels is increasingly dependent on computers, and that foreign or domestic terrorists could damage key sectors of the economy by attacking computers and computer networks. Clinton has requested $91 million for the program, which will offer scholarships in computer security in exchange for later public service, and will found the new Institute for Informational Infrastructure Protection. That Institute would then seek to develop new technologies, provide better training for government agents, and foster increased cooperation between government and private computer users. Congressional Republicans complained that the plan does not even attempt to meet the most important goal: to protect Federal computer systems from hackers. --Stephen V Cole

January 15, 2000; Japan plans to develop a robot able to enter a damaged nuclear power plant to perform key functions without risking human beings. The robot, which is to be developed by March 2001, will cost Japan about $30 million to develop. The Japanese say that the robot could be used in terrorist incidents, even those involving chemical or biological (rather than nuclear weapons). --Stephen V


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