Terrorism: February 17, 2003


In response to the suicide boat attack on the USS Cole in 2000, and the war on terror after September 11, 2001, the U.S. Navy has greatly expanded it's security capabilities. To address situations like the attack on the USS Cole, the navy has formed mobile security force detachments. Each has 75 sailors, three 25 foot boats and lots of assault rifles, machine-guns, shotguns and grenade launchers. There are 250 sailors in these unit now, and eventually there will be 600. These detachments will serve in ports the navy feels are in need of a little extra security. Most (70 percent) of the sailors in the detachments are "Masters at Arms" (what the navy calls military police.) Before September 11, 2001, the navy had about 2,000 men and women rated as (working as) Masters at Arms, but this is being increased to 10,000. 


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