Submarines Article Archive 2006


The Dutch Run Out of SailorsThe War Against TrainingSecond Hand Sometimes Sucks
Brazil Builds Its Own SSNsCivilian Subs Become a NuisanceIndian Boats Get Nuclear Missiles
What Am I Bid For This Noisy Old Boat?New Submarine Rescue Vehicles ArriveWeapons for Divers
High Altitude TorpedoTorpedo WarsGet By With A Little Help From The Enemy
Astute PromotionSingapore Scores Some Superior SubsRussia Gets Yuri Into The Water
China Upgrades TrainingWhy China Takes Its TimeU.S. SSGN Base In the Indian Ocean
Deadliest Diesel Boat in the World Goes to SeaAntidote for High Speed Anti-Ship MissilesHow SCOGs Kill
Let's Get Small and QuirkyChinas Uncertain New SSBN Goes To SeaTrafalgars Equipped for the Long Haul
Torpedo DefensesThe Coming Naval War With VenezuelaSurvival of the Cheapest
The Sort of Secret Sea Mammal ServiceBritish Robots Rule Under the WavesIntel Inside, China Outside
Super Sub Search Sensor SurfacesThe Deniable HeroStand Down and Shape Up
Sucked Into a CollisionClear Vision From Below Safely Dismantling the Soviet Fleet



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