Forces Article Archive 2024


The 21st Century Chinese ArmyRussia Runs Out of SoldiersCossacks in Ukraine
North Korean RantsNorth Koreans Join the Russian ArmyNATO Plans To Add Brigades
Russia Raids Businesses For SoldiersNATO Nations Adapt to Shrinking PopulationNATO Reluctant To Send Soldiers
NATO Needs More SoldiersRussia Rebuilds A Second Rate ArmyDepleted Hamas is Reconstituted
The Ukraine War and the American ArmyChina Organizes to Take TaiwanAnywhere, Anytime, Anyone
Imaginary Iranian Military MightIranian Proxy NetworkIsraeli Haredi Riots
French Forces in RomaniaUkrainian Female SoldiersRussia’s Conscription Crisis
Russian Army Kidnapping Foreigners to be SoldiersUkraine Establishes the UAV ForceRussian Navy Expansion Plans
North Korea Has Been Measured and Found WantingIran Reinforces Its Caspian Sea FleetAnnual Wars Update



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