Algeria: The Bad Guys On Both Sides Are Winning


May 7, 2011: The government has openly admitted that relations with the Libyan rebels are not good. The Libyan rebels accuse Algeria of supporting the long-time Libyan dictator Kaddafi. Algeria and Libya have had their ups and downs over the last few decades, there has always been close cooperation in fighting Islamic radicals. Since Islamic radical groups are part of the rebel coalition in Libya, Algeria is still cozy with  Kaddafi. When the Arab League voted to approve a no-fly zone over Libya, only Syria and Algeria voted opposed it. Algeria has ordered its reinforced border guard force to shoot anyone trying to cross Libyan border without permission. The government continues to accuse Libyan-based Islamic terrorists of contributing to the increase of terrorism within Algeria. There's little evidence of this, as the continuing battle with Kaddafi loyalists seems to be keeping Libyan Islamic terror groups busy. The recent growth of terrorist violence in Algeria has more to do with so many Algerians joining in the call for reform throughout the Arab world. This has pulled soldiers and police away from counter-terror efforts and made the general population less vigorous in helping the cops. So far, the uprising has not put the dictatorship in any real danger. But the uprising continues, and the longer it does, the more danger the government is in.  

May 6, 2011: A roadside bomb went off 350 kilometers east of the capital, killing five soldiers and wounding five others. A hundred kilometers east of the capital, a journalist (Ahmed Nezar) was shot dead, apparently while pursuing a story about the Islamic terrorists in the area.

May 4, 2011: The former head of the state oil company, who was removed from the job last year, was sentenced to two years in jail for corruption.

May 2, 2011: The government announced a 25 percent increase in spending, to reduce unrest. The money will go to raising the pay of government workers, increasing food subsidies, building more housing and creating more jobs.

Although demonstrations are banned, thousands of students gathered in the capital to call for reforms (and the overthrow of the current government). At least twenty demonstrators were hospitalized with injuries.

Some 2,000 kilometers south of the capital, police arrested seven Algerian and Moroccan men and accused them of supplying and financing Islamic terrorist operations.

April 30, 2011:  Some 140 kilometers southwest of the capital, five village guards were killed by a bomb, and four were wounded. Such attacks are common when Islamic terrorists are attempting to intimidate local security forces and compel them to allow the Islamic radicals to do what they want in the area.

April 28, 2011: Some 120 kilometers west of the capital, five policemen were killed by a bomb, and several more were wounded.

April 27, 2011: Some 80 kilometers west of the capital, two policemen were killed by a roadside bomb.

April 26, 2011:  NATO accused Algeria of allowing agents of Libyan dictator Moamar Kaddafi to recruit over 400 mercenaries from Moroccan (Polasario) rebels living in Algeria. The mercenaries were enticed by the pay (up to $5,000 a month).

April 23, 2011: Thousands of demonstrators gathered in the capital to call for reforms (and the overthrow of the current government). Police used force to keep the demonstrators away from government guildings.

April 19, 2011: In the last week, twenty (or more) members of the security forces were killed by Islamic terrorists, representing a major increase in activity by the Islamic radicals. In the same period, ten terrorists were killed and three were arrested.