Indonesia: Aceh Smolders, Timor Uneasy


July 14, 2006: Separatist rebel groups in Aceh are not happy with the new Aceh autonomy law. They believe it is vaguely written, and would enable the government to interpret it in such a way that Aceh would not receive the degree of autonomy that the rebels thought they were getting when they disarmed and accepted the amnesty. If the government cannot sell the new Aceh legislation to the Aceh rebels, the rebellion could flare up again.
July 9, 2006: In East Timor, a new prime minister has been selected, and he appears acceptable to most factions. The country is still without a police force, and some 150,000 refugees are still afraid to return to their homes. Peacekeepers are still chasing looters.
July 6, 2006: In Aceh, gunmen attacked a group of farmers, killing three and wounding two. It's not clear if this has anything to do with the separatist rebels, most of whom have accepted the amnesty. A feud is suspected.