Al Nofi's CIC
Issue #122, Feburary 28, 2004 |
This Issue...
Infinite Wisdom
"We can die in the last ditch."
-- | William III, King of England,
Stadtholder of the Dutch Republic
La Triviata
- Because he envisioned it as a cadre for expanison into a larger force when Germany was once again ready to take on the rest of Europe, Gen. Hans von Seekt arranged for every company of the 100,000-strong post- World War I Reichswehr to bear the honors of an entire regiment of the old Imperial Army.
- Having committed an English translation to memory as a young man, throughout his life Sam Houston, the hero of the Texas War for Independence, could quote extensive passaged from the Iliad.
- The customary insignia of an officer in most West African armies during the late eighteenth century was an umbrella.
- Roughly 28,000 pill boxes are thought to have been built in Britain during the Second World War in anticipation of a German invasion.
- Frederick the Great of Prussia was the first commander to institute regular annual maneuvers, following the Silesian Wars (1740-1748), concentrating as many as 50,000 troops for extensive, realistic exercises every autumn, � after the harvest.
- So hostile was Gen. Douglas MacArthur to cooperating with the Navy, that during his tenure as Chief-of-Staff of the Army, that he avoided involvement in joint exercises, to the point that he even ignored a gentle reminder from the Chief of Naval Operations that under existing war plans the Army was supposed to undertake such training.
- Having capturing the Brazilian steamer Marques de Olinda on November 14, 1864, Paraguayan troops presented its flag to Dictator Francisco Solano Lopez, who had it made into the centerpiece of a carpet for his palace.
- Its campaign to capture the Touat Oasis in Morocco in 1900 cost the French Army some 20 million francs, not to mention the cost of more than 35,000 camels that were requisitioned to transport supplies.